MUSC 116


Unit 4 More work with Audacity, musical terms and concepts

Oct. 05-18


Unit Objectives

TU Choir
TU Womens' Choir

Materials (Oct. 05)

Dynamics in Music | Science, however, measures loudness in Herz and Decibels
GUEST LECTURE: Form in Music mp4 | wmv

This song by Johnny Cash is a simple song form. It is comprised of repeated verses (with the same ending lyrics) and musical interludes. What are the differences between the two versions (younger and older Cash)?

MUSIC: "I Walk the Line" by Johnny Cash (young Cash, 3 min.) Youtube | Copies: player | mp4 |

(older Cash, 3 min.) Youtube not available | Copies: player | mp4  | lyrics

GUEST LECTURE: Audacity Basics 4: Editing and Fade in and Fade out. (2 min.) Be sure that you understand how to trim and edit audio. You will use this often in the course. Youtube | player | mp4 | wmv

Fade Out: also take a look at the Audacity Effect: Studio Fade Out.

Quiz for Test 4. You may take it as many times as you want. It is not graded. Quiz link

Assignments (Oct. 11)

Test 4. Remember to submit the screen capture of the results to your personal Dropbox folder.
Test 4 link Musical terms and features in Audacity (Units 2-4). The test above has 20 questions with a time limit of 20 minutes. For user name give your full name (such as Terry Ewell)

REVIEW LECTURE: Save Test or Exam Results (2 min.) into your Dropbox folder. player | mp4 | wmv | webpage

Materials (Oct. 12)

GUEST LECTURE: Panning in Audacity (5 min.) Youtube--not available | player | mp4 | wmv

LECTURE: Aural Space, Panning (8 min.) Player | mp4 | wmv

You are not required to use this in Composition 3, but you are encouraged to experiment with panning. Panning will be required in some later compositions.

Music from Lecture (For Optional Viewing):

Help improve the course: Use this anonymous form to suggest improvements to Dr. Ewell. Form link

Assignments (Oct. 18)

Composition 3
Create a song using
 "A A B A Coda" form

Composition 3 will feature portions of this music:
"Like a Rolling Stone" by Bob Dillon (1965) YouTube | Copies: Flash | mp4

Choose one option:

1) Composition 3 Report using Aria Maestosa and Audacity,
Includes instructions and grading rubric:

Supporting Videos:

LECTURE: Creating a MIDI file in Aria Maestosa for Composition 3 (10 min.) playermp4 | wmv

LECTURE: Copying many musical notes in Aria Maestosa for Composition 3 (1 min.) playermp4 | wmv

2) Composition 3 Report using other software of your choice,
Including instructions and grading rubric

Supporting Videos:

LECTURE: Fade out for Composition 3 (Reaper) (1 min.) player | mp4 | wmv

This is the last reminder

Organizating your personal Dropbox folder

Please see this webpage for where to place new files, old files, and screen shots of your tests and exams.

REVIEW LECTURE: Viewing Dr. Ewell's comments on your papers:
Webpage | Video:  player (searchable, cc) | mp4 | wmv

What Dropbox group am I in? Which is my group and personal folder? link
Can't remember how to save OGG? Saving and Opening .ogg files

Further explanation:

Bass Line, Bass: the lowest sounding note. Often this note will occur on the downbeat, the first beat of each measure. Usually bass lines occur in the 2nd and 3rd octaves. Bass lines in the 4th octave and above are very rare.

Chord, broken chord, strummed guitar: often the chords above the bass line occur later in the measure than the bass note. Here is an example of a C bass and chord in measure 1 and an F bass and chord in measure 2:


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Copyright 2019-2022 by Terry B. Ewell.