MUSC 105


Unit 1, Jan. 29-Feb. 01

Introduction to Unit 1

Course Preparations

Unit Objectives

TU Choral Rehearsal

TU Choral Rehearsal

Course Materials

Enroll in Dropbox

During the first week of class you will receive an invitation to enroll in a personal and a group Dropbox folder. During the course, you will place your assignments in either folder. Dr. E. will return annotated assignments to your personal DropBox folder.

LECTURE: AI in Dr. Ewell's Courses (16 min): player (cc and searchable) | mp4 | Windows Media | transcript

Featured AI software or websites: 

Introduction to pitch notation and clefs. Music Fundamentals 1, Chapter 4.

Introduction to the piano keyboard. Music Fundamentals 1, Chapter 3.

LECTURE: Introduction to the piano keyboard. player (cc, searchable) | mp4 | wmv (cc)

Quiz (U1.1) piano keyboard recognition. This quiz may be taken as many times as you like. There are five versions. Quizzes do not count towards your course grade. Quiz link

Need to review how to take a quiz?

Help improve the course: Use this anonymous form to suggest improvements to Dr. Ewell. Form link

Assignments (Feb. 01)

All assignments in this course are due by 11:59 p.m. on the given date. There are two assignments.

1. This is a test to see if you have reviewed all the materials on the homepage. Only take this test after you have done so. You may take this test multiple times until you receive a passing score of 90%.

This is the only test in the course that you may repeat for a better grade. For user name give your first and last name. Use your Towson University email.

Intro Test Link

Save screenshots of the tests in the Tests file.

2. Download Personal Introduction with instructions and the grading rubric: MS Word

You must use Microsoft Word (not the online version) to complete this assignment and all Word documents in this course.

Organizing your personal Dropbox folder

Please see this webpage for where to place new files, old files, and screen shots of your tests and exams. Save screenshots of the tests in the Tests file.

Further Information

Organizing your personal Dropbox folder

Please see this webpage for where to place new files, old files, and screen shots of your tests and exams.

The online version of Microsoft Word will not work. You must install it on your computer. TU students can get free versions of this software: PC | Mac

LECTURE: Viewing Dr. Ewell's comments on your papers:
Webpage | Video:  player (searchable, cc) | mp4 | wmv 

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Copyright 2018-2024 by Terry B. Ewell.