For Christian Artists


The Change in Dr. Ewell's Life

Music has been a part of my life since a very young age. In kindergarten, teachers discovered some musical talent in me and I started study on the piano sometime in the first grade. Later I started the bassoon in the 4th grade. In the midst of all that musical training I never guessed that I would discover God. I thought that you found God in a church. But that isn't where my life was touched by Him.

在我很小的时候,音乐就是我生活的一部分。上幼儿园时,老师发现了我有一些音乐天赋,后来我就从一年级开始学习钢琴。四年级的时候,我 开始吹巴松。在所有 的音乐训练中,我从来没有想到我会发现上帝。我以为只有在教堂里才能找到祂。但是,我的人生并不是在教堂里被祂触动的。

I attended a music camp (Marrowstone Music Festival) in the Pacific Northwest at the age of 15. It was a three-week camp and I think it was the second summer I attended. A friend of mine had been to a church camp the prior month and his life was dramatically altered through an experience there. When he accepted Jesus into his life he felt a dramatic change. He told me that he now prayed on his paper route for dogs not to bite him and for God's help in all his other duties. He said that God did indeed help him and life was different. Now, he even read the Bible enthusiastically every day.

15岁那年,我参加了西北太平洋地区的音乐夏令营(Marrowstone音乐节)。那是一个为期三周的夏令营,我参加的那个夏天是第 二届。之前的一个 月,我的一个朋友去了教会训练营,通过那次活动,他的生活发生了极大的转变。当他开始接受耶稣进入他的生命时,他感到了戏剧性的巨大变化。他告诉我,他当 时正在为写论文时他的狗狗不来咬他而祷告,并且求神帮助他完成其他的任务。他说,上帝确实帮助了他,他的生活变得不一样了。现在,他每天都积极地读圣经。

I was familiar with the Bible since I had attended a church for several years with my family. However, I didn't understand much about Jesus's life, how a person could communicate with God, and on the whole I didn't see any relevancy to any of it. However, as we talked more and more it started to make sense.

我对圣经并不陌生,因为我曾经和家人一起去过很多年的教会。不过,我对于耶稣的一生并不十分了解。一个人怎么能与神沟通,总的来说,我并没有看到这里面有 任何关联。然而,当我们谈论的东西越来越多时,我开始慢慢理解了。

It was a Thursday evening and it was now time to go to our evening orchestra rehearsal. We arrived at the hall only to see a sign posted that the rehearsal was canceled. All the years I attended the camp as a student and later as a teacher (8 years in all) a rehearsal has been canceled only once: that very evening. We went back to our dormitory and talked some more. He lent me his Bible to read that evening. I don't remember the exact moment of the change but sometime that evening I knew that I connected with God; I had found God. I had asked God to change my life and I yielded myself to Him.

那是一个星期四的晚上,正值乐团晚间排练时间。我们来到大厅,却只看到张贴着一张排练取消的通知。这么多年来(8年以来),不管是作为 学生还是后来成为一 名老师,只有这一次排练被取消了-就是那个晚上。我们回到了宿舍继续深谈。那晚,他把他的圣经借给我看。我不记得我的转变发生的具体时间,我只知道在那晚 我于上帝相通了,我找到祂了。我求神来改变我的生活,我把自己完全交给了祂。

I distinctly remember the way in which my mind changed. It was as if a fog had been lifted from my brain. Colors seemed brighter, I began to understand spiritual things in a different way, and for the first time I felt peace in my life. This was a tremendous transformation for me: the greatest I have ever experienced in my life.

我清楚地记得我的意识发生了改变,就像一团迷雾从我的头脑中消散。颜色变得更加明亮了,我开始明白属灵的事,并第一次在我的生命中感觉到平安。这对我来说 是个巨大的转变:这是我一生中所经历过的最棒的体验。

A week or so after camp was over I went back to study piano lessons with Bela Siki. Before I had played more than about two or three phrases he stopped me and said, "Something has changed. Your touch is much more sensitive." I was too shy and embarrassed to explain the transformation that occurred in my life. In fact I was still trying to process just what was happening. It hadn't occurred to me that my musicality would be changed as well. Now I understand that God wants to touch and improve every aspect of my life. I began to realize that God was working in my inner self and anything that came out of it--thoughts, language, music, actions--would be impacted by those changes.

大约一个星期后,夏令营结束了。我回到家,继续和贝拉.兆基老师学习钢琴。当我只弹了两三个乐句后,他打断了我,说:& amp; amp; ldquo;有些事发生变化了。你的触键比以前 更加敏感了。”我当时很害羞,不好意思告诉他那些发生在我生命中的转变。事实上,连我自己都还在努力适应刚刚发生的一切。我没想到我 的乐感也会被改变。现 在我明白了,神要触摸和改善我生活的每个方面。我开始意识到,上帝在我的内心以及任何通过它所表现出来的方面-思想,语言,音乐,行为-都会因为那些影响 而产生变化。

Clearly I can't say that I somehow earned that change in my life. I wasn't devoted to a quest to find God and truth. It is more accurate to say that God sought me rather than I sought God. I was just going about living, trying to practice bassoon and piano, doing my school work, surviving adolescence, etc. But now when I look back on my life I realize that there were many times when I felt the presence of God or the pull of His spirit. Over and over again God was trying to get my attention and communicate with me.

显然,我不能说我有些希望我的生活发生改变。我没有专门去寻求上帝和真理。更准确地说,是上帝找到了我,而不是我去寻求神。那时的我只 求每天平静地生活, 努力练习巴松和钢琴,做好学校的功课,平稳地渡过青春期等等。但是现在,当我回首我的生命时,我知道有很多次我都感觉到了上帝的存在和祂大能的指引。上帝 一次又一次地想引起我的注意来和我沟通。

Please understand that I am not finished changing! The process that was begun on August 9th, 1973 was just the start. There is a lot of work yet to be done with me. I fail every day to live up to my full potential. However, I am also at peace knowing that God is working with me, in me, and through me.

请你理解,我的改变还没有完成。这个过程开始于1973年8月9日,但这仅仅是个开始。还有大量的工作等着我去完成。我感到我不能每天都释放出我的全部潜 能。不过,我知道上帝和我在一起,在我的心中,并通过我作用于更多的人。我时时感到平安。

I suspect that if you are honest you will also acknowledge that you have felt the pull of God at times in your life. He has the peace, fulfillment, and happiness you have been searching for. I had a young friend who told me about Jesus and God. Let me be your friend and tell you as well.

我猜想,如果你是诚实而且真诚的,你也会承认你曾感觉到神在你生命中的带领。祂那里有你一直在寻找的平安、充实和幸福。曾经有一个年轻的朋友,他告诉了我 耶稣和上帝。让我也成为你的朋友,告诉你这美妙的一切。

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